Sunday, July 7, 2013

More of 2012 Gardens

Since I missed this year's garden walk due to a horseshow, I thought I might as well as post the photos I didn't get around to posting from last year.

 See the little red cardinal perched in front of the porch post?

This blue pot is huge. The full effect is offset by the bowl sitting in front of it.
I love seeing the service areas of a garden, so necessary, and this one had a rainwater collection barrel and a series of pebble pavers to access it.

This gardener knew shade and sun alike. Her flair for whimsy was everywhere.
She didn't shy away from bold punches of color, choosing art and blooms to attract the eye.

This little turtle bubbler was odd and intriguing at the same time. Monotone in color and monotonous in sound.
I have more garden photos, can you believe it? I always take so many! Have you been to any great tours this year?

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