Monday, July 15, 2013

Chez moi, I finally made it into the garden!

An injury is keeping off of my beloved horse, so I have been puttering around the garden with a bit of help from friends, hubby and daughter.

A friend gifted me with a japanese painted fern, european wild ginger, and some shade plants I can't remember! All are safely tucked in the garden.
My container garden has been planted and I've added a few things.

I used a variety of tender annuals for this copper boiler. It didn't cost too much because it has a split corner. I love the patina. My sink fountain is displaying my collection of battered and beloved french graniteware dishes. I think some of this is czech too. Since the sink leaks I used some heavy black rubber pond liner and covered that with roofing tiles that the salvage yard was throwing out. Someone tore it off of a fire damaged house, but unfortunately they damaged each piece so it can no longer be used on a roof. IMG_20130713_194301_948 
 Dirty dishes are welcome. Ha! The birds actually like to bathe in it. IMG_20130713_194308_101 Read how I plumbed up my fountain here. I also did some gardening using succulents. I used containers that I got at the thrift store last year, an old rusty chicken feeder pan and some old children's shoes that I've had forever. Some are not going to last the winter so I'll have to find a place for them to stay during the winter. IMG_20130713_194334_233 My lady is always so lovely. IMG_20130713_194447_569IMG_20130713_194552_744 Hummingbird feeder stand is a birdcage stand, a gift from a friend. I hooked to the stand at first and it looked a little odd. The addition of the wire basket at the top makes it balanced in the frame.IMG_20130713_194639_397 
My herb pot is overtaken by sedum! I think I'm going to rip it out. Stay tuned to see what I do with it, and also for a look at my succulent garden.

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