Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Winning Grin!!!

This morning Leah won 2nd place in her school spelling bee. It's ironic that she drew the 2nd place for participation and ended up the reserve champ! I was a nervous wreck, stomach churning and have a massive headache!! I think her dad was worse, he couldn't look at her, he just sat there gripping the front seat of his chair. This means she goes to the regional bee for the first time! This is her 4th year, and her highest placing and I think the first time she studied! Ok, I am ready for the UPDATE on my website today. New works will be there at 12 noon CST.
Time for relaxation and deep breathing. Thanks for letting me brag and be the proud parent. As an older mom, I can say it is pretty sweet!


Peng Peng said...

Leah looks adorable! Congrats to Miss Spelling Bee!

Ginie-Lee said...

Well done to Leah!!!! You must be proud :-)

vintagepaletteart said...

Way to go Leah!!! Congratulations and good luck in the next bee! =D
