Thursday, August 21, 2008

The last rose of summer........

Anastasia Rose and her warbler is my eBay piece, a lovely vignette with a teddy and her birdy with birdcage, which I made. It is on for 7 days starting today!

I love the view of the back her bonnet,she looks like a sun bonnet baby!
Her silk painted box, a bouquet and a tiny dolly are included.


Peng Peng said...

Hey busy girl! good luck w/ your auctions! Pink bear with birdy is adorable.

Atticbabys said...

Awwww, she does look like those sun bonnet babys! What a very precious vignette Pam!!
:-) Nan

Melissa Valeriote said...

Precious!! I'm wishing I showed more interest in sewing when my Mom tried to teach me as a little girl...sigh. You have the gift!!